Blizzard Bag Day Two


  • Read from a 'just right' novel for thirty minutes.  
  • Record the book and pages you read on a piece of paper.  
  • Choose a five to seven sentence passage from the pages you read.  Practice reading it out loud so that it sounds smooth and natural.
    • Pay attention to punctuation, pausing at commas end marks.  
    • Read it in bigger phrases of words, rather than word by word.  Your goal is to read fluently.  
    • Be prepared to read this passage out loud to Mrs. Custeau when we return to school.  
    • That means you need to bring the book back in to school with you, or copy the passage you practice onto a separate piece of paper to bring to school.


Choose an everyday object.  It can be an object you can see in real life as you write, or an object you have seen before and remember well.  It should be something your classmates would recognize.  Write a five to seven sentence paragraph describing the object in detail.  Do not tell the object's name.  We will be sharing our paragraphs when we return to school, and your classmates will be guessing what you are describing. 

     Spend twenty minutes practicing multiplication facts.  Then, spend twenty to thirty minutes playing Multiplication Baseball with someone at home.  
Social Studies
Today we will be studying Maple Sugaring. You will watch a video, view a slideshow and complete a crossword puzzle.
    This is a video of a slideshow, pause it to read it if it’s going too fast. Click the tabs at the bottom of the screen to change the page.

 Maple Syrup Crossword Puzzle    If you are having trouble completing the   crossword puzzle go back to the slideshow. Most of the clues came right from the slides.